
namespace tnt
class Snipper
#include <Snipper.hpp>

A basic file watcher. Useful for asset hotloading and other stuff.

The file that should be watched.

Watch name to check if it has been modified.

constexpr std::size_t msvc_size = {96}
constexpr std::size_t other_size = {88}
std::conditional_t<is_msvc_v, pimpl<impl, msvc_size, 8>, pimpl<impl, other_size, 8>> data
void watchFile(std::string_view name)
template<detail::callable<> Func> void onModify (std::string_view file, Func &&func) noexcept(detail::safe_callable< Func >)

Call a function if file has been modified.


The file watcher silently adds file to it’s watch list if the file isn’t there already.


The function is noexcept only if Func() is noexcept.

Template Parameters
  • Func: A generic function representation.

  • file: The file that should be checked if it is modified or not.

  • func: The function that should be called if file has been modified.

void unwatchFile(std::string_view filename) noexcept

Stops watching a file if it was already watching it.


If the file wasn’t being watched, the file watcher doesn’r report anything.

bool isModified(std::string_view file) noexcept

Check if file has been modified since the last check.



  • file: The name of the file to check.

namespace detail


template<typename T, typename... Args> concept callable = std::is_invocable_v<T, Args...>
template<typename T, typename... Args> concept safe_callable = std::is_nothrow_invocable_v<T, Args...>