
namespace tnt
namespace doo


struct tnt::doo::animations_sys animations
struct animation_comp
#include <Animations.hpp>

A struct that holds the data for an animation.

Public Types

enum wrap_mode

The wrap mode of the animation.


enumerator single_run
enumerator loop

< Run the animation only once.

< Run the animation infinitely.

enum direction

The direction the frames are arranged on the animation image.


enumerator horizontal
enumerator vertical

< The frames are arranged horizontally.

< The frames are arranged vertically.

Public Functions

constexpr animation_comp(Rectangle const &rect, int const framesCount, float const animSpeed, float const space, direction const &dir_, wrap_mode const &wrap_) noexcept

Create a new animation component.

  • rect: The size of a frame on the image.

  • framesCount: The number of frames that the animation has.

  • animSpeed: The speed the animation should be played with.

  • space: The spacing between the frames of the sprites, 0.f if none.

  • dir_: The direction of the frames on the image.

  • wrap_: The wrap mode of the animation.

Public Members

bool finished = {false}
wrap_mode wrap
direction dir
float startX
float startY
float speed
float timePerFrame
float elapsed = {0.f}
float spacing
Rectangle clip
struct animations_sys
#include <Animations.hpp>

The system that controls the animations of the sprites.

Public Functions

void add_object(object const &id, animation_comp const &anim_)

Add an object to the animations system.

  • id: The id of the object to add to the animations system.

  • anim_: The data of the animation.

void Update(object const &id, float time_) noexcept

Update the animation of the given object.

  • id: The id of the object’s animation to update.

  • time_: The time elapsed since the last Update() call.

void from_json(object const &id, nlohmann::json const &j)

Load animation data from a json chunk.

  • id: The id of the object to load from json.

  • j: The json chunk.

void to_json(object const &id, nlohmann::json &j)

Store animation data of a specific object to a json chunk.

  • id: The id of the object to serialize to json.

  • j: The json chunk where the data will be saved.

void remove(object const &id) noexcept

Remove the desired object from the animations system.

  • id: The id of the object you want to remove.

void clear() noexcept

Remove all the entities from the animations system.

Public Members

std::vector<animation_comp::wrap_mode> wrap
std::vector<animation_comp::direction> dir

< The wrap modes of the animations.

std::vector<float> startX

< The direction of the frames on the image.

std::vector<float> startY

< The starting x coordinate of the animation.

std::vector<float> speed

< The starting y coordinate of the animation.

std::vector<float> elapsed

< The speed of the animation.

std::vector<float> timePerFrame

< The elapsed time since the beginning of the animation.

std::vector<float> spacing

< Shows how long a frame should be drawed.

std::vector<int> current

< The spacing between the frames of the sprites, 0 if none.

tnt::sparse_set<object> active

< The index of the current frame.